Book a Tour:
We prefer to host private or small group tours, where you have the opportunity to meet 1:1 with the principal and visit all classes within the school. While on tour you are able to ask questions and see our school in action. Tours take approximately an hour and can be scheduled any time of year. Please email our principal directly at and she will phone you to book an appropriate time.
Reception Transition:
Transitioning from kindergarten to primary school is a big step for your child and we start this process early each school year. We link closely with our local kindergartens and provide opportunities for our current students to visit kindy to start building connections with kindy children well before formal transition starts in term 4. In addition to this we regularly invite the local kindergarten students and families to key events at school. Past examples have been to invite kindy children to be the audience for a matinee of our whole school performance, or having groups of kindy children participate in formal Life Ed or nature play programs at school.
Our formal transition program commences in Term 4, where your child will visit one day per week for 5 weeks. We start with short days and gradually build up to full days as your child becomes more familiar and comfortable. While your child is at a transition visit, we invite you to join some of our existing parents for a coffee at Emma and Ivy (Lobethal). We are proud of our inclusive community and this is just one small way we can welcome you into our school.