Governing Council puts the partnership between parents and the school into action. As a parent on Governing Council here at Lenswood, what started out as a desire to support my own child’s education, inevitably grew into a broader vision for the school and community. Providing input into the school’s future direction is one of the major benefits to being on Governing Council. Some of the real ways we have been able to contribute as parents has been to develop strategies and solutions for growing student numbers, providing OSHC facilities and IT infrastructure upgrades. But sometimes it’s the quick wins and small achievements that have provided the most satisfaction and it’s always good to keep your finger on the pulse. Evelyn (parent)

Our school has a proud history of working together as a community. We have a strong focus on supporting the community and in return we are thrilled to have many current, past or future families volunteer on a regular basis. Volunteering can be as simple as coming in on a semi-regular basis to listen to children read or you could be involved in one of the formal committees listed above. We support you to undertake all relevant training and screenings prior to volunteering, so if this sounds like something you’re interested in please speak to Julia in the front office. As a thank you we host a spectacular volunteer’s afternoon tea each year and have been known to promote our volunteers for awards at the South Australian Volunteers awards ceremonies.

At Lenswood Primary School, we believe in fostering a strong sense of unity between students, staff, parents and the wider community.
The Parents & Friends Association (P&F) play an important role in supporting this vibrant community- dedicated to supporting the school through various fundraising opportunities and event support; while creating opportunities for parents and friends to get involved in school life & to enhance the educational experience for the students.
Our P&F is volunteer run & throughout the year we host a variety of fundraising and catering events; both at school and in the wider community – raising funds for school improvements, student and staff resources along with subsidies for student excursions & learning initiatives.
We especially revel in the ability to gift each Year 6 student their senior jumper at no cost to their families.
The P&F continue to seek new initiatives to encourage connection between students and their families & nurture the community spirit of our school.
Many of the improvements and supports offered would not be possible without the collaboration with the P&F and we are thankful for the time they are able to give to our community.
Volunteering for the P&F is a wonderful way to connect with other parents, support our school, and make a positive impact on our children’s education. The P&F meet twice per term to share ideas and plan events. We welcome new members, and if you would like to join, please contact the school office for more information.